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Zaproszenie na warsztat "Teaching in an International Classroom" 25.03.2019 10:31

Zapraszamy nauczycieli akademickich ZUT na warsztat "Teaching in an International Classroom" kierowany do osób prowadzących zajęcia z grupami studentów zagranicznych lub planujących prowadzenie takich zajęć w niedalekiej przyszłości


KIEDY? 9 kwietnia 2019 (wtorek), godz. 9:00 – 16:00

Zajęcia poprowadzi Pani Marloes Ambagts-van Rooijen, nauczyciel akademicki z The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Holandia.

Osoby zainteresowane udziałem prosimy o przesłanie zgłoszenia na adres najpóźniej do czwartku 4 kwietnia.

Liczba miejsc ograniczona, decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.


Krótki opis warsztatu:

Do you feel that there is more to teaching international classrooms than just translating them to English?

Would you like to adapt your teaching style to accommodate your very diverse student population?

Are you wondering how you teach classes in a language that is not your (students) first language more effectively?

Are you eager to use your students' background and experiences as a resource in class?


In this hands-on one day training, lecturers will explore just the tools they need to teach their international classrooms more effectively.


We will start discussing some global trends in education to provide a framework for teaching in international classrooms. After focusing on both lecturers' and students' perspectives on teaching and learning in international classrooms, you will practice a number of tools and strategies that will allow you to make most of your diverse student audience. At the end of the training, you will make a plan on how to implement these tools and strategies in your own international classrooms to make them more effective straight away.