Publikacje Katedry Biotechnologii Rozrodu Zwierząt w 2023 roku

Publikacje z IF

  1.  Stankiewicz T., Błaszczyk B., Chundekkad P. 2023: Ultrasound evaluation of biometric and Doppler parameters of kidneys in sheep in the prenatal and postnatal periods. Small Ruminant Research, 219, 106891
  2. Tomza-Marciniak A., Pilarczyk B., Drozd R., Pilarczyk R., Juszczak-Czasnojć M., Havryliak W., Podlasińska J., Udała J. (2023): Selenium and mercury concentrations, Se:Hg molar ratios and their effect on the antioxidant system in wild mammals. Environmental Pollution 322, 121234
  3. Janda-Milczarek K.,  Szymczykowska K., Jakubczyk K.,  Kupnicka  P.,  Skonieczna-Żydecka K.,  Pilarczyk B.,  Tomza-Marciniak A., Ligenza A.,  Stachowska E.,  Dalewski   B. (2023): Spirulina Supplements as a Source of Mineral Nutrients in the Daily Diet.  Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 13(2), 1-12
  4. Seremak B., Wojciechowska A., Pilarczyk B., Tomza-Marciniak A. (2023): An Ethogram of the Reproductive Behaviour of the American Mink (Neovison vison) in Farmed Conditions. Animals 13(3), 1-9.
  5. Schneider-Matyka, D.; Cybulska, A.M.; Szkup, M.; Pilarczyk, B.; Panczyk, M.; Lubkowska, A.; Sadowska, N.; Grochans, E. Selenium as a Factor Moderating Depression and Obesity in Middle-Aged Women. Nutrients 2023, 15, 1594, 1-16.
  6. Schneider-Matyka D., Cybulska A.M., Szkup M., Pilarczyk B., Panczyk M., Tomza-Marciniak A., Grochans E. (2023): Selenium as a predictor of metabolic syndrome in middle age women. AGING 2023, Vol. 15, Advance, 1-14.
  7. Witczak A., Pokorska-Niewiada K.,  Tomza-Marciniak  A., Witczak G., Cybulski K., Afryka A. 2023. The problem of selenium for human health-Removal of Selenium from Water and Wastewater. Water  15(12), 1-14.
  8.  Sotek Z., Stasińska M., Malinowski R.; Pilarczyk B., Pilarczyk R.; Bąkowska M., Malinowska K., Radke P., Kubus M., Malinowska A., Bukowska A.  The Role in the Human Diet of Bioaccumulation of Selenium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Iron in Edible Mushrooms in Various Habitat Conditions of NW Poland—A Case Study. Sustainability 2023, 15, 13334.
  9.  Wojtasiak N.,  Stankiewicz T., Błaszczyk B., Udała J. (2023): Ultrasound Parameters of Embryo-Fetal Morphometry and Doppler Indices in the Umbilical Artery During the First Trimester of Pregnancy in Goats. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 43, 1,  97-102.
  10. Seremak B., Pilarczyk B., Wojciechowska A., Tomza-Marciniak A. (2023): Selected Aspects of Reproductive Behavior of American Mink (Neovison vison) under Artificial Conditions. Animals 2023, 13, 3346. 10.3390/ani13213346
  11. Mazurkiewicz-Zapałowicz K., Pilarczyk B., Kołodziejczyk L., Tkaczuk C., Twarużek M., Łopusiewicz Ł., Grajewski  J., Dzika E., Kalisińska E. (2023) Effect of Selected Entomopathogenic Fungal Species on Embryonic Development of Ascaris suum (Nematoda). Animals 2023, 13, 3782, 1-13.
  12.  Juszczak-Czasnojć M., Tomza-Marciniak A., Pilarczyk B., Gączarzewicz D. Total Selenium Level and Its Distribution between Organs in Beef Cattle in Different Selenium Status. Animals 2023, 13, 3885
  13. Szatkowska I.., Udała J., Zaborski D., Czerniawska-Piątkowska E., Grzesiak W., Wasielewska M., Wójcik J. (2023) Polled Intersex Syndrome and Polledness in Goats: Molecular Aspects. Pakistan J. Zool., 1-6.
  14. Oster N., Szewczuk M.A., Zych S., Stankiewicz T., Błaszczyk B., Wieczorek-Dąbrowska M. 2023: Association between polymorphism in the Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2) gene and selected performance traits in cattle and sheep. Animals, 13, (15), 2470,


Inne prace w recenzowanych czasopismach

  1. Wojtasiak N., Stankiewicz T., Błaszczyk B., Szewczuk M. (2023): Doppler parameters in the ductus venosus during the third trimester of pregnancy in goats.ROCZNIKI NAUKOWE POLSKIEGO TOWARZYSTWA ZOOTECHNICZNEGO 19 (3), 17-25.
  2. Pilarczyk B., Pilarczyk R., Sablik P. (2023): The impact of breeding and farming conditions on the welfare of alpacas (Vicugna pacos). Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica 22(3), 3-8.